Category: Implications Wheel

Unintended Consequences of Stockpiling Food: Waste
There's now £1 billion more food in people's houses than three weeks ago. This consumer stockpiling has led to unavailability of products for others, and there's a real danger that ...

Unintended consequence of COVID-19: cyberbullying could increase
cyberbullying expert from Florida Atlantic University cautions that there will likely be some unintended consequences that merit attention and response from both educators and parents. Among these unintended consequences: a ...

COVID-19: Implications for Business
In this note, we offer some of our latest insights, starting with five likely epidemiologic swing factors that will largely determine the contours of the pandemic in the next year ...

5 Statistical Traps Data Scientists Should Avoid
This is a very interesting and relevant article for our Strategic Exploration Tools. The "Cobra Effect" discussion is particularly relevant because we focus on the value of the Implications Wheel ...

The Cobra Effect — Lessons in Unintended Consequences
An interesting article with some great examples -- plus the re-emphasis of the reality that they're "unanticipated" not unintended consequences. Article Link ...

Strategic decisions: When can you trust your gut?
The Strategic Exploration process recognizes "intuition" as an important part of how information coming into our "paradigms" is processed. For the Implications Wheel, the "1 in a 1,000,000" possibility recognizes ...

Data Literacy: Using the Socratic Method
A very interesting discussion, definitely connected to the Implications Wheel -- with the interesting connection to the classical thinking of the Socratic Method. Article Link ...

How to solve complex problems (by not focusing on them)
The Zeigarnik effect can do something stunning when we scatter our attention and let our mind wander. Article Link ...

How to Make a Big Decision
Thanks to Implications Wheel Facilitator Chris Kenny for sharing this -- good insights! ...

This is how tiny changes in words you hear impacts your thinking
This is an article about "frames" -- or perhaps better stated "PARADIGMS!" It has a global perspective on language in politics -- but it also supports what we say during ...