Exploring the Same "Arc"

Exploring the Same “Arc”

What happens if multiple teams explore the same particular “arc” (or first-order implication)? Consistent with our “scouting metaphor,” if we ...
Perspectives on the Long Term

Perspectives on the Long Term

What will it take to shift markets and companies away from a short-term way of thinking? Article Link ...
Why Reading On A Screen Is Bad For Critical Thinking

Why Reading On A Screen Is Bad For Critical Thinking

As we continue to explore both the "paper-based" and software supported versions of the Implications Wheel -- this article raises ...
Some Very Good "Center" Examples

Some Very Good “Center” Examples

Rise of the Machines From Michael Jackson's "Shaping Tomorrow" Newsletter:  An outstanding example of describing a "center" with details -- ...
The Imitation Game

The Imitation Game

A recommendation from a participant in our "paper-based" facilitator training. I watched the movie a few times -- and the ...
Three Strategic Voices to Include on Your Team

Three Strategic Voices to Include on Your Team

We’ve discussed the value of having three different strategic thinking perspectives in any strategy work. These three strategic thinking perspectives ...
Downton Abby

Downton Abby

The "incomparable" Maggie Smith: "What happens then?" ...
Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Lisa Scottoline at a book event 2014.  She is the best-selling author who ...
Doctors and Decision Fatigue

Doctors and Decision Fatigue

I wonder if there is "scouting" fatigue?  Does this suggest a two half-day format might yield better implications than a ...
Diversity Is Good:  Why Doesn't Everyone Agree?

Diversity Is Good: Why Doesn’t Everyone Agree?

If all the viewpoints we hear come from people who are like us, we assume that we have the same ...