Category: Implications Wheel

Diversity Is Good: Why Doesn’t Everyone Agree?
If all the viewpoints we hear come from people who are like us, we assume that we have the same information and the same perspective. We think we have the ...

Paper-Based Project – I-Wheel
Some observations and insights on "paper-based" explorations. Including some insights on using "paper arcs" for demonstrations -- and some observations from an exploration conducted in November 2014 with 160 participants ...

Chain of Thought
The Free Association Word Chain Game Chain of Thought is an IOS (Android) game that seems to provide some good "practice" for Implications Wheel Facilitators. It's certainly easy to learn ...

Writing in Libraries: Processes and Pathways to Inquiry and Learning
Writing in Libraries: Processes and Pathways to Inquiry and Learning A very interesting article because of our focus on "paper-based" explorations ...

Civil War Boundary in U.S. Affects Trade to This Day
How interesting that my long term interest in the Civil War connects in this find with a "thought" for the Implications Wheel. The implications of the Civil War are still ...

+50/-50 Triumph or Catastrophe
It's an "approved" item on the list for upgrades. And I'm going to add it to Facilitator Training and Highly Facilitated Workshops. +50's and -50's are going to require a ...