Information Base
The “Information Base” is a re-creation and continuation of the Google “Strategic Exploration” Community. Some items from the Community, e.g. books and television/movies, have been moved to the “Books Plus” page. Select from the “Categories” menu to focus on key topics.
Strategic decisions: When can you trust your gut?
The Strategic Exploration process recognizes “intuition” as an important part…
Cognitive Bias Cheat Sheet
It’s been an invaluable reference for helping me identify the…
Data Literacy: Using the Socratic Method
A very interesting discussion, definitely connected to the Implications Wheel…
3 things modern managers can learn from decades’ old studies of human behavior
The field of social psychology has long grappled with questions…
How to solve complex problems (by not focusing on them)
The Zeigarnik effect can do something stunning when we scatter…
How to Make a Big Decision
Thanks to Implications Wheel Facilitator Chris Kenny for sharing this…
This is how tiny changes in words you hear impacts your thinking
This is an article about “frames” — or perhaps better…
Unknown Unknowns: The Problem of Hypocognition
A fascinating article by itself — even more interesting in…
Solomon Asch – Conformity Experiment
Thanks to Implications Wheel Facilitator Chris Nute for connecting to…
Leading for the Long-Term
But what we do know for sure is that building…
Preparing Learners for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Received this post from Joel — with a comment: “Interesting…