Information Base
The “Information Base” is a re-creation and continuation of the Google “Strategic Exploration” Community. Some items from the Community, e.g. books and television/movies, have been moved to the “Books Plus” page. Select from the “Categories” menu to focus on key topics.
What Believing in the Possibilities Can Do for Learning and Teaching
Downton Abby
The “incomparable” Maggie Smith: “What happens then?”
Unintended Consequences
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Lisa Scottoline at…
Doctors and Decision Fatigue
I wonder if there is “scouting” fatigue? Does this suggest…
Diversity Is Good: Why Doesn’t Everyone Agree?
If all the viewpoints we hear come from people who…
Paper-Based Project – I-Wheel
Some observations and insights on “paper-based” explorations. Including some insights…
Chain of Thought
The Free Association Word Chain Game Chain of Thought is…
Writing in Libraries: Processes and Pathways to Inquiry and Learning
A very interesting article because of our focus on “paper-based”…
How to Solve Complex Problems by Not Focusing on Them
Civil War Boundary in U.S. Affects Trade to This Day
How interesting that my long term interest in the Civil…
+50/-50 Triumph or Catastrophe
It’s an “approved” item on the list for upgrades. And…